Thursday, May 15, 2008


The 5/13 Dragonmania show at Arena Mexico drew a sellout of 16,800, which marked the 20th anniversary of the debut of the Ultimo Dragon. says -
"René Dupreé un tanto extraviado al luchar en relevos australianos, pero lució bien como rival de Fujinami, y fue bien llevado por Atlantis y ültimo Dragón, que lucieron como autenticos chacales."

"Rene Dupree seemed a bit out of place in the Australian relay, but shone as a rival to Fujinami, and worked well with Atlantis and Ultimo Dragon, who looked like authentic jackals."

"Rene Dupree quien hasta hace poco trabajara para la WWE hizo un buen papel, tomando en cuenta su poca experiencia luchistica y Atlantis y Ultimo Guerrero salieron como grandes rudos rompiendo la mascara de Ultimo Dragón y lastimándole el pie lastimado."

"Rene Dupree who until recently worked for the WWE did a good job, taking into account his lack of lucha-experience while Atlantis and Ultimo Guerrero emerged as major rudos ripping the Ultimo Dragon's mask and attacking his injured foot."

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